Friday 6 September 2013

Tishrei - The Month of Ephraim

5th September  - 4th October 2013

This is the seventh month reckoned by months and the first of the months reckoned by the  years . It is an important month as it is associated with seven , completion and perfection.

It is a starting month and a finishing month so has some special characteristics attached to it.

Like no other month this month is special to God and is His month of appointed times.

In this month we are to return to God to experience His glory , His manifest presence.

Every month in the calendar has redemptive properties and we need to realise that we on earth are needing to line up with Heaven’s activities . An interesting scripture that demonstrates this is in Psalm 19:6 .

“His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.”

This is referring to the sun and it’s heat . God’s heavenly purposes are also on a circuit and it is time now for  the word of God to be pulled upon by us by faith to download heaven’s blueprint  here on planet earth according to His divine timetable.

This month is associated with Ephraim which means to multiply and be fruitful .

We need to focus more on our righteous dealings with God.

This month we can seek the Lord to ask Him for the path back to His perfect will. Maybe we have strayed off the path a bit . He will release the way back if we seek Him.

We can begin to decree that everything that has been scattered up until this time shall come back to us.

In the natural the autumn months receive their light as reflected light from the moon unlike the spring which receives it’s light directly from the sun. This means that the way things work together is different . Cycles change and we need to change with it. Planting changes, harvesting changes and we must change also to line up with the season.

Deal with issues that have caused bitterness to grow. This will keep us from returning to God .
Every root of bitterness has to be dealt with seriously if we are to benefit from God’s invitation to return to Him with gladness and fullness.

Let this month be a time when we can be truly awakened and aroused from our slumber and come into that strong stirring to just reach forward and touch the hem of His garment. When we do He releases virtue to bring us forth even more.

This is the seventh month and a month of completion but remember it is also the first month in the calendar. What we do this month sets the pace and the destiny for the rest of the year.
Enjoy Him , let go of yesterday , get rid of bitterness towards anyone and get back to God with fervour and delight .

You will not be disappointed. He is always FAITHFUL !

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