Sunday 29 September 2013

Chesvan - The Month of Manasseh

4th October - 3rd November 2013

This is month eight and the number eight represents eternal revelation and new beginning.

It is interesting that the flood started in Chesvan and ended in the same month - new beginning

There are no holidays throughout Chesvan as this month is reserved for the time of the Messiah .
He will inaugurate the third temple this month.

Myrrh is the fragrance of this month and we can allow our sense of smell to be activated .

NUN is the associated Hebrew letter which symbolizes the Messiah that is why this month is also called the month of Messiah.

Allow the fragrance of God to permeate your whole being - spirit,soul and body . He is interested in dealing with our worldly “Greek” mindset and to help us to be transformed to think with a Hebrew mindset , that’s how God thinks !

Our sense of smell is greatly heightened this month and as the Jews think , it is a time to allow Holy Spirit to move within us . We smell the awe of God - sweet smell !

Part of our transformation and conforming to the Christ within is to be able to accurately digest revelation .  We MUST watch our words as wrong words can go into our stomachs and give us problems . We MUST watch our mouths !

In the area of the great flood which started and ended in this month , God is working that flood within us to deal with the root of whatever He is putting His finger on . We deal with root issues this month , better to do it earlier than later - this month is the right time to deal with them !

We stand in our authority this month .

God has reserved this month to draw out of us a new anointing . He pulls us aside to do this .

He presses us like a wine press presses grapes until He presses the anointing out of us. This can be an easy month or a tough one it depends upon what God is dealing with in us .

Cry out to Him to press the anointing out of you.

We heighten our dealing with trials and difficulties in the anointing and so we begin to be changed into Christ’s image .

Don’t let the enemy get the upper hand and try to conform you to his image !

This is such a strong month for revelation and anointing to flow through us and as we do we can have the upper hand over Satan .

Put your heel on the enemy’s neck and look down at your foot and declare “ I am preparing my heel to step “

Enjoy the fruit of the pressing ! It will be worth it !

Chesvan - Activation

Here is what the Lord wants to release over your finances , your life and ministry :

You will need to speak over your finances that you have received great revelation of God's purposes for those finances. They are set apart for Him and His kingdom purposes .
The tithes are Holy unto Him . Declare that you have stepped into a new beginning in your finances , your life and your ministry. That means that old things have passed away behold ALL things have become NEW !

2 Cor.5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Hold your head in your hands and declare that you have the mind of Christ and that you are moving away from Greek (Worldly) thinking and embracing the Hebrew (Biblical) thinking so that you will be able to comprehend what the perfect will of God is .

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Now put your hand upon your mouth and say that you will speak NO negative words and ONLY positive building words will come out . You will bless and NOT curse !

Romans 12:14
Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.

Now put your hand on your heart and say that you are opening up your heart to God to fully access every area of your heart to allow Him to bring every change that He wants to bring in you ....NOW !

God will always work for our good and works better with our cooperation it's time to be open , transparent and vulnerable before Him !

So now the pressing ..maybe you think you have already been squashed !

Proverbs 3:9,10
Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

Well He has more anointing to get out of you ! So speak to yourself again and say you think you have given yourself fully to God ..think again and this time give yourself unreservedly to Him abandoned in Him ..give up your control and let Him control you He will be able to get the whole anointing to flow out of you ...IT WILL BE WORTH IT !
Having done all this you can now get tough with the enemy !

Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Put your foot on his neck and say this as you look down on your foot .." I AM ABOUT TO STEP FORWARD " Then step !

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